First-to-market attribution solution for Apple App Clips by AppsFlyer

It’s a cool autumn morning and you’re getting ready for work.

You decide to drop-in at your local coffee shop and get your favorite morning java.

Just as you walk in you see a long line and you’re already late for work, but you really want that coffee. Next to the cash register, you notice a sign inviting you to skip the line by scanning a single-use QR code to place your order. Usually, you would weigh heavily on downloading any app, wondering if you even want to give it precious real estate on your phone and considering what the privacy implications may be. 

Well… not anymore.

Using App Clips you now have the option to scan a seemingly one-time QR code for purchases without having to download the full app. Go ahead and jump to the head of the line.

This is awesome for you since you’re part of a limited group of new iOS 14 users, but what about the Android and existing iOS users?

Now with AppsFlyer’s first-to-market attribution solution for Apple’s App Clips, brands can provide a seamless user experience with measurement and deep linking capabilities for all iOS and Android devices, not only those with iOS 14. 

What are App Clips?

As we followed the changes in the mobile ecosystem and listened to Apple’s announcements at WWDC 2020 we understood quickly that Apple’s focus was to gain overall value from iOS devices with less attention to the standard app install. 

This is why the App Clips are so revolutionary, changing the way we use apps and bridging a gap between two worlds. Quick loading with the native experience, App Clips have the benefits of the full app, such as, Apple Pay, and Apple sign-in, without the possible burden of installing the full app. 

Let’s start with the basics.

For consumers, using an App Clip is not your typical app download experience. App Clips offer your consumers a truncated, lighter version of your app. Users need not input any personal information, allowing greater privacy and transparency. 

If we look back at the coffee shop example, a customer could make repeated purchases without ever having to share any data, as App Clips cannot access data from apps like: photos, location, contacts, messages, and more. 

How it works

The process begins with an invocation (with our coffee shop example let’s use the QR code), which will lead the customer directly to the coffee shop menu. 

apps clips qr code coffee shop app
User scans QR code

Once scanned, the QR code will invoke an App Clip allowing you end-to-end functionality all the way to closing out your purchase via Apple Pay.

Apple’s App Clips were designed for iOS 14 users only, which as mentioned above leaves you wondering about the user experience for Android users. What will happen when the QR code for example is scanned by an Android device or an existing Apple user with iOS 13 or below? 

With AppsFlyer’s App Clips attribution solution, attribution data is captured and user experience is frictionless and measurable—regardless of device or version – through the existing deep linking solution powered by OneLink.

appsflyers deep linking solution for app clips
AppsFlyer’s solution unifies the experience across iOS and Android

How are App Clip conversions attributed?

Measuring metrics such as app engagement is something that marketers have come to expect.

The AppsFlyer solution treats App Clips just like an app with all the capabilities for measurement that you have grown accustomed to. 

How are App Clip conversions attributed?
User scans coffee shop QR code and downloads the full app

With OneLink you have the option to tailor your brand, adding and changing parameters to the invocation URL directly from the AppsFlyer dashboard.

This is important because for all iOS and Android users:

  1. You can see how many people are installing and using your App Clip
  2. You can see the behavior of users inside the App Clip
  3. You can see how many people went from the App Clip to the full app
  4. You can see the behavior of the users inside the full app

Building a better experience together

Now that you have skipped the line and have your favourite coffee to sip as you drive to work we are happy to have met the needs of the “here and now”. Your experience was seamless, delightful, and stress-free.  

For the coffee shop marketer, our solution brings you one step closer to a wider audience of users providing you with all the measurement capabilities needed to increase your business value. 

We want to hear about your experiences and how you envision using App Clips? To learn more about the technical aspects of AppsFlyer’s attribution solution for App Clips click here or request your demo today.