Upgraded flexibility and in-app validation rules introduced

On many levels we hand over our control of everyday activities to technology – trusting it to do the work – making both our personal and professional lives easier in the process.

However, giving up control so easily shouldn’t come to play. A good technological solution helps in easing processes that may be too complicated, especially those that are daily activities, but an excellent solution provides flexibility to better control the quality of performance.

If we take it a step further an outstanding product will combine all the above and add customization abilities. Thus, creating custom made experiences, and further serving our unique edge cases. 

AppsFlyer’s massive upgrade to its Validation Rules serves exactly this purpose: it’s a unique solution that allows app marketers to set custom in-app fraud validation rules and the first to offer marketers such in-depth control over their campaigns

This feature is accompanied by an enhanced combination of flexibility and customization to your campaigns’ performance. Providing you with unparalleled control all the way from basic campaign targeting to sophisticated in-app fraud cases.

Enforcing your orders

When heading into a new campaign or partnership, your IO is meant to outline the general boundaries, and reflect your expectations from each media partner or agency. 

But how can you enforce these expectations? 

These are not just questions on  meeting business goals based on specified deal targeting or meeting technical requirements (OS version), but what should be weighed it the possible  legal ramifications. Some app types could be illegal in certain regions (i.e. gambling and casino apps).

AppsFlyer’s Validation Rules set clear definitions of what is accepted as legitimate activity and more importantly, what isn’t.

From campaign targeting to fraud protection 

The ability to set and customize your own rules and boundaries around your campaign is fundamental to maintaining a healthy campaign. 

Inputting your business logic into a campaign’s set-up informs your media partners that you mean business, and that the IOs that both sides agreed upon are to be upheld. This further enforces basic campaign elements such as OS, geo, or user persona.

However, that’s merely the foundation of your campaign. Mistakes occur even from the best publishers and media partners. Enforcing these rules are key to avoiding such mistakes and in avoidance to pay for anything that falls outside of your campaign goals.

The true value in operating your very own rule structure is the ability to outsmart those who intentionally seek to cause harm through malicious and nefarious means. Anti-fraud validation rules are another vantage point in the ongoing game against fraud. 

Protect360 multi-layered fraud protection
Protect360 multi-layered fraud protection

An integral part of Protect360’s multi-layered fraud protection, customized rules, is your business strategy aimed to catch fraudsters, even the most sophisticated ones.  

No fraudster has  insight into your KPIs and benchmarks or can know your business as well as you. Applying your knowledge of CTIT distributions, time frames per actions, or any other unique characteristics should be formulated into a set of rules to eliminate fraudsters looking to manipulate or mimic your user behavior.

Connecting the dots

AppsFlyer recently announced its latest addition to Protect360’s fraud protection suite – a dedicated in-app and CPA fraud dashboard. 

As the first MMP to offer thorough insight into sophisticated in-app fraudulent activity, we went further to break the misconception that CPA campaigns act as a protection from fraud, by making in-app fraud data visible and accessible. 

Today we share our next step, as we introduce the unique ability of setting dedicated validation rules for your in-app activity. Giving you the ability to control fraud activity beyond the point of install attribution. 

You can now define specific triggers to indicate cases of user-fraud and non-attribution manipulations – ones that can only be customized based on your app experience and business logic.

These can be easily configured by setting rules and benchmarks for irrational behavior and “can’t happen” events. A great example is a suspiciously short time frame between 2 events – potentially signaling resource draining bots. Another example is premature events like paying for a product in their shopping cart prior to registering to the app.

Flexible protection

The ability to translate measurable data into actionable insights is crucial for modern online campaigns, and for specified audience requirements and segmentations. 

The more accurate you are, the more profitable your campaign will be.

The more control you have over rules and specific edge cases, the more accurate you can become.

Don’t compromise on accuracy or customization when it comes to your marketing activity.

Take back control over your campaigns with AppsFlyer’s new Validation Rules.