Xpend: 6 high impact product updates

By now, you’ve probably aware of AppsFlyer announcing the next-generation cost aggregation product, Xpend.

Since our launch in September, we are thrilled to continue and release even more features and capabilities right in time for the busy holiday season.

Xpend solves one of the biggest challenges for marketers today when addressing data aggregation and normalization; providing an accurate, complete, and actionable solution.

Standardize cost data with Cost ETL

As part of Xpend’s release, we are now offering our customers a way to extract cost data to their BI systems via an AWS S3 bucket. This allows advertisers to receive cost data at the most granular level and at scale.

While cost data is supported on various dashboards and reports, some advertisers prefer to enrich their cost data at the most granular level in-house and manage independently to manipulate and analyze cost data based on their business needs. This data can include insights on campaign bids, video view metrics, designated market area (DMA), clicks and impressions as reported by the networks. 

Xpend Cost ETL
Cost ETL configuration page

Google cost integration just got better

With the Google Ads API, Ad Spend is now fully supported for both user acquisition and retargeting to ensure end-to-end visibility of advertisers’ campaigns. In addition, Google cost data is now supported on all campaigns at the country, ad group, and channel levels.

As an advertiser, you may be running campaigns on YouTube, Google Display Network, and search channels, where you may notice greater success on one of these channels. This view allows advertisers to easily optimize their budget accordingly geared to the best performing channel.

In addition, advertisers can now view retargeting cost data for Google within the cohort dashboard and cohort report under unified cohort type.

AppsFlyer’s Cohort dashboard

With Google’s announcement of Google App Engagement Campaign (UAE) this support is more important than ever for mobile app advertisers, into which we greatly encourage you to dive-in and take a deeper look.

Even more API integrations

Xpend already supports up to 65 new cost API integrations, adding Criteo, CrossInstall, Ad Action Interactive, Global Wide Media, Youappi Retargeting, Dataset, Pinsight, Appgrowth, Point2Web, KPM BRO, and Domobc DSP to the list. These integrations are all supported at the deepest granularity available.

Enjoying all of these integrations via the API means less overhead for our advertisers with more time to focus on optimizing campaigns instead.

Take full control of your cost API integrations

With our brand new cost integration status page, advertisers can gain a centralized view of their cost integration statuses across all of their apps and easily correct any errors with a single click.

The top bar of the page will always provide advertisers with the statuses of their integration, including active or inactive integrations and those that require action. They can even re-authenticate their accounts directly from within the page.

As an advertiser, your priority is to ensure that you’re making decisions based on the most accurate data. If even one of your API integrations is failing, it is plausible that your data is not the most up-to-date, which can result in loss of money reflected by making the wrong decisions.

The new page removes friction by showing what integrations require your action and proposing to you the necessary steps needed to correct and minimize the impact. 

Additional support for cost by Site ID

Cost by Site ID is now supported for 29 networks, including recently: Unity, Digital Turbine, Fyber, Moloco, Aura, Adjoe, Appreciate Offers, JetFuel, Persona.ly, and AdGate Media.

When optimizing campaigns Site ID is a critical component across the industry. Advertisers may want to optimize by Site ID for many reasons.

Xpend Overview dashboard SITE ID
 Overview dashboard, cost by site ID

For example, let’s Imagine, a health app where articles related to health are displayed within a news channel, and seemingly those articles are performing best for that app.

Most networks provide advertisers with insight on the Site ID level so that they can understand which source performs best for their app, and additionally invest there. Alternatively, they may want to stop paying for sources that are buying low-quality users or are not resonating with that app’s audience.

Ingestion Full Scheme

With Ad Spend Ingestion, advertisers and partners on behalf of their advertisers can upload spend data for sources that do not support an API connection; thereby, providing a truly full view of their spend data across their entire marketing program. Additionally, Ad Spend Ingestion can be used as a mechanism to correct wrongful cost data or apply any discounted or revised cost data retroactively.

Ingestion full scheme enables both partners and advertisers to ingest cost data over the entire campaign hierarchy and at the following dimensions: Country, Site ID, Channel, and Keywords.

This allows advertisers to optimize campaigns at the most granular and accurate levels. Think of uploading all of your cost data in one easy swoop.

More to come

Xpend is now a premium product at AppsFlyer and as such, we are committed to providing the highest value for our customers so that they can rely on their cost and ROI calculations and focus on what really matters – optimization.